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Merck for Mothers

Funded by MERCK for Mothers, Safer Childbirth Cities of Tampa

Program Contact

What It Is

Education for pregnant women that promotes healthy births, bonding and mother / child attachment.

Who It's For

Pregnant woman; new parents

What You Receive

  • Perinatal and postpartum doula care and education​
  • Monthly home visits from 14 to 29 weeks ​
  • Weekly home visits during the first month of the postpartum period ​
  • Monthly home visits up to 6 months postpartum ​
  • Documentation and data collection for MERCK Safer Childbirth Cities of Tampa

The information and activities included are supported by funding from Merck, through its Merck for Mothers program and are the sole responsibility of the authors. Merck for Mothers is known as MSD for Mothers outside the United States and Canada.

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